Divorce Solutions

Question #77

My wife and I filed for divorce back in 1985 in NYC. I signed the papers but somehow her lawyer never filed the divorce. We found this out 2 years ago when she try to get married again. We have no children and we agree to have a separate life. We were married for only two years. I live in GA., Can I file for divorce from GA?

Before you commence a new case in GA, you must be certain that no case was filed in New York. You must have someone search in the county clerk’s office of the borough in which you lived for a file in your name vs. your spouses name filed sometime in 1985. Once you’ve determined that no case was indeed opened, then you have the choice of filing either in the state in which you live presently, assuming you meet the jurisdictional requirements of the state of Georgia, or in New York, where I assume your spouse still presently lives.
If you would like to engage my services, please call me at 212-370-1660 to discuss the matter in greater length.

Leonard M. Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions