Answer: Disability- If this payment is a result of some injury or accident and is in lieu of insurance , it is most likely not marital property and you do not have any claim to it. Early retirement – Pension – You do have a claim to approximately one half of the pension earned during […]
Answer: Disability- If this payment is a result of some injury or accident and is in lieu of insurance , it is most likely not marital property and you do not have any claim to it. Early retirement – Pension – You do have a claim to approximately one half of the pension earned during the course of your marriage. Bankbooks and apartment – If the money and property were acquired by you prior to marriage and kept in your name , they are separate property and not marital property and belong exclusively to you. You mentioned being separated from your husband, was this a legal separation and was there a Separation Agreement? It is essential to take care of these matters properly! If you are living in the NYC metro area please call me to discuss mediating your divorce and preparing the needed legal papers.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq. /Divorce Solutions