Answer: If you are serious about improving your “limbo” situation and getting on with your life you must decide whether you want to file for divorce or not. You have children and you owe it to them if not to yourselves to try to make the marriage work. Have you tried marriage counseling? If counseling […]
Answer: If you are serious about improving your “limbo” situation and getting on with your life you must decide whether you want to file for divorce or not. You have children and you owe it to them if not to yourselves to try to make the marriage work. Have you tried marriage counseling? If counseling is not an option or fails, you must seriously discuss divorce with your husband making it clear to him that the present system can no longer go on. I strongly suggest you opt for mediation rather than litigation and I would be happy to discuss mediation with both of you. In any settlement or court decision you will receive child support and have the title to the lease transferred to you ( with the landlord’s cooperation) . If you are located in the NYC metro area, call me at 212-370-1660.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq.Divorce Solutions