Divorce Solutions

Question #228: I was married in new York in 1978 and have been living apart from my husband for over 30 years. How long must I wait for an uncontested divorce in New York to be finalized and can it be expedited?

Unless you filed for divorce and the Court issued an Order of Divorce and it was filed in the County Clerk’s office, You are still legally married with all the legal implications, such as marital property, spousal financial responsibility, etc. If you are living in the NYC metro area, call me at 212-370-1660 to arrange […]

Unless you filed for divorce and the Court issued an Order of Divorce and it was filed in the County Clerk’s office, You are still legally married with all the legal implications, such as marital property, spousal financial responsibility, etc.
If you are living in the NYC metro area, call me at 212-370-1660 to arrange for a meeting to discuss getting the divorce done.

Leonard Weiner, Esq.
Divorce Solutions