My girlfriend was married many years ago in Bahamas. She lived with her husband for a very short period of time in which he beat her. She has police reports to prove. She had sent money to a friend in Bahamas to do the divorce and really never got anything back. We want this straightened out. How do we proceed without involving this abusive ex husband. She is away from him for many year (5+) and is a new york resident her entire life. No kids.
Since your girlfriend is living in New York for over two years, she may file for divorce in New York. Her husband must be served, or at least a serious attempt to find his present whereabouts must be made, before you can proceed with the divorce.
If she is living in the New York City metropolitan area please have her call me at 212-370-1660 to discuss the matter at greater l length.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq./Capitals Solutions