I was married in the Philippines July 2001 because I got pregnant. By June 2003 we separated amicably. By October 2005 I came here in the US leaving my daughter in his care and my parents. I now want to divorce him, I spoke to him about my decision and told me that he’s willing to sign the needed paper works. We agreed that custody of our child will be shared.There are no properties to divide and am not asking anything from him and neither is he asking anything from me. How do I file for divorce here in NY? We have been separated for more than 4 years and I want to move on. What are the paper works needed to begin filing and how much will it cost me? Will it be possible to divorce him?
If you are living in the NYC metro area ,please call me at 212-370-1660. I can help you get the divorce you seek. I will prepare all of the legal work and file all of the papers , and neither of you will have to make any appearances in court or spend hours waiting for your 10 minutes before the judge.
Divorce is too important an area to leave to self help. It is imperative that you use an experienced, matrimonial attorney who can walk you both through the many areas that have to be discussed and decided such as child custody and support, division of marital assets, payment of outstanding debts, etc.
Call me.
Leonard Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions