Answer: There are no hard and fast answers to your questions and all will depend on the judgment of the judge unless you both decide to mediate your divorce in which case you both can come to an agreement on how to divide what you have together and what would be an acceptable amount for […]
Answer: There are no hard and fast answers to your questions and all will depend on the judgment of the judge unless you both decide to mediate your divorce in which case you both can come to an agreement on how to divide what you have together and what would be an acceptable amount for support and rent until your spouse can get on her own feet and support herself. Because the marriage is of such a short term and there are no children (I assume), the amount of support and rent money will be relatively small and of short duration. If you are located in the NYC metro area, please call me at 212-370-1660 to discuss mediating your divorce.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq.Divorce Solutions