From the information that you provide, it sounds like you have an excellent chance to have this marriage annulled. It could very well be that the document was not prepared properly and the marriage was not legal in the first place. I would have to review the actual filing and check the county clerk’s office […]
From the information that you provide, it sounds like you have an excellent chance to have this marriage annulled. It could very well be that the document was not prepared properly and the marriage was not legal in the first place. I would have to review the actual filing and check the county clerk’s office in order to be sure. If in fact your brother was not of sound mind and was not legally capable of consenting to the marriage, the marriage can be annulled.
If you are living in the New York City metropolitan area , please call May at 212-370-1660 to discuss the matter at greater length .
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions