I strongly suggest that you consider mediating your divorce with an experienced attorney- mediator rather than each party hiring an attorney and battling it out in court. You will get no satisfaction from court. Only the attorneys win – not the clients and as soon as your money runs out you will be forced to […]
I strongly suggest that you consider mediating your divorce with an experienced attorney- mediator rather than each party hiring an attorney and battling it out in court. You will get no satisfaction from court. Only the attorneys win – not the clients and as soon as your money runs out you will be forced to settle! Have your spouse look at the website ” divorcesolutuions.com” and get an idea of what the alternative is to divorce litigation . If you are located in the NYC metro area, please call me at 212-370-1660 to arrange for an appointment to meet with both of you to discuss the matter in greater length. I can help.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions