After the parties have decided on the resolutions of the outstanding issues needed to draw up the Separation Agreement, this agreement will have to be drafted by a lawyer to be submitted to the court. For that one needs an attorney who is admitted in the jurisdiction in which the parties reside. It is clearly […]
After the parties have decided on the resolutions of the outstanding issues needed to draw up the Separation Agreement, this agreement will have to be drafted by a lawyer to be submitted to the court. For that one needs an attorney who is admitted in the jurisdiction in which the parties reside. It is clearly an advantage in terms of time and money to have the mediator who has followed the discussions of the parties and was keenly aware of their needs and interests to be the same person who draws up the agreement, without the need of a non-lawyer mediator to explain the feelings of the parties to an outside attorney has not participated in the mediation sessions and who must acquaint himself with the facts, issues and decisions of the parties for the first time.