Divorce Solutions

Question #3: I am a father of one child going on 17 yrs. old and am paying 17% of my gross income minus social security and Medicare. I would like to inquire information or find out were to find it, concerning child support payments in NY State. The required percentage is 17% as previously described. I would like to learn what this percentage is based upon and other laws governing such. Your response would be much appreciated.

Answer: The 17% child support requirement for the first child is a provision of the Child Support Standards Act (Chapter 567 of the 1989 Laws of the State of New York) as presently codified in Section 240 of the Domestic Relations Law as amended. It would be beyond the scope of this page to discuss […]

The 17% child support requirement for the first child is a provision of the Child Support Standards Act (Chapter 567 of the 1989 Laws of the State of New York) as presently codified in Section 240 of the Domestic Relations Law as amended. It would be beyond the scope of this page to discuss the entire child support provisions in detail and the intricacies of calculating the amounts. if you are located in the New York City Metropolitan area, I suggest you call me at 212-370-1660 to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter in greater length.
You may wish to take a look at the statute and the annotations cited for further details.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions