From what you indicate, you are married a very short time and you have just had, within the last three months, a baby born to both of you. Your wife may be suffering from postpartum depression, and she needs your help and love more than ever. For your child’s sake, if not for the sake […]
From what you indicate, you are married a very short time and you have just had, within the last three months, a baby born to both of you. Your wife may be suffering from postpartum depression, and she needs your help and love more than ever. For your child’s sake, if not for the sake of both you and your spouse, you should make every effort to reconcile and to seek family counseling if you possibly can. You have an obligation to your child if not to your selves to try to make this marriage work. In the event, after you’ve sought marriage counseling and still cannot reconcile, I suggest that you contact me at 212-370-1660 to discuss mediating your separation and divorce.
Good luck and make every effort to make it work. Your wife and your child need you more than ever.
Leonard M.Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions