Answer: I cannot overemphasize the need to consult with legal counsel before you sign any legal document. Your marriage of two months is of very short duration in any case and as such the amount of spousal support would be limited . You do have a right, however, to receive the your share of marital […]
Answer: I cannot overemphasize the need to consult with legal counsel before you sign any legal document. Your marriage of two months is of very short duration in any case and as such the amount of spousal support would be limited . You do have a right, however, to receive the your share of marital property and you should pursue that avenue in the event of divorce. You suggest duress or “unconscionability” or perhaps even fraud, but these allegations must be supported by evidence and it will be up to the judge to decide where justice lies. If you’re living in the New York City metropolitan area, I strongly suggest you call me to see if we can mediate your divorce and resolve the issues out-of-court which will save you both money, time and aggravation. In the future, consult legal counsel before entering into any legal arrangement.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions