Answer: Although you make approximately twice as much as your husband, since the duration of the marriage is only one year and a half, the amount and length of spousal support should not be that great. On the other hand, if you were both contributing your incomes to be able to live a certain lifestyle, […]
Answer: Although you make approximately twice as much as your husband, since the duration of the marriage is only one year and a half, the amount and length of spousal support should not be that great. On the other hand, if you were both contributing your incomes to be able to live a certain lifestyle, he may in fact look to you for some sort of support, at least for a short term, until he can adjust to the new situation. It will all depend on the opinion of the judge who hears the case. For this reason, among others, I strongly suggest that you consider mediating your separation and ultimately the divorce which provides a forum for you and your spouse to work out the support issue without the interference of a third party judge. If you’re living in the Greater New York City metropolitan area, please call me at 212-370-1660 to discuss the matter at greater length.
Leonard M. Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions