Divorce Solutions

Question #87

My wife has been lying to me all these years that we have been together. Our marriage certificate states that she was never married before. We were to file for immigration for me based on her US citizenship. Now, she discloses to me that she was married in New York and cannot remember ever getting divorce papers?

Can I qualify for an annulment or just get a divorce? How to we find if there was an annulment or a divorce? How long does it take to get the annulment/divorce completely?. Do we need to go to court? She will agree to either one.

If your wife never got divorced from her first husband, your marriage was not legal, and you have grounds for an annulment. The time it takes to get the annulment or divorce will be about the same. As long as your spouse is cooperative, I can prepare all of the documents, and you will not have to make any court appearances.

Please contact me when you get the marriage records.

Leonard Weiner, Esq./Divorce Solutions